Energy Balls with Raw & Unfiltered Honey


Looking for a wholesome, energy-packed treat that’s perfect for your child’s lunchbox? These energy balls should hit the spot — and they're ready in just 10 minutes or less.

Stuck together with Local Hive raw & unfiltered honey, homemade energy balls offer a natural sweetness without the refined sugars found in many store-bought snacks. Raw honey is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, making it a great addition to any recipe.

With the protein from peanut butter, the fiber from oats, and the natural sweetness of raisins, this recipe is a filling, nutritious meal that kids will love.

And you'll love how easy it is to make.

While we used Local Hive Rocky Mountain Honey Blend, any Local Hive Honey will do nicely. Find your perfect honey with our Honey Finder.

100 Years of 100% U.S. Honey 

This homemade honey recipe is part of our #100waystousehoney series, celebrating 100 years of 100% U.S. honey.

Throughout 2024, you can shop our limited-edition 1924 Golden Age Wildflower honey blend. It's an exclusive, 100% U.S. wildflower honey blend with a mellow, but flowery taste.


2 cups oats
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup Local Hive Rocky Mountain Honey Blend
Dark chocolate chips (or a bar crumbled into tiny pieces)


Add all ingredients to a large mixing bowl.
Spray cooking spray onto a silicone spatula. Mix all ingredients together thoroughly.
Using your hands, grab small handfuls of the mixture and roll into 2-inch energy balls.
Place directly in a lunch container or wrap in parchment paper to keep fresh.
Refrigerate for freshness.

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