The Local Buzz Blog

Chasing Gold with a California Beekeeper
"We should keep this a secret," our guide told us, gesturing to the small, inconspicuous hilltop we were standing on, somewhere along the edge of California's Central Valley.
No, our guide was not a gold miner, drug smuggler or undercover agent.
He's just a beekeeper named Cameron Robertson.

Pollinator Awareness Week 2024
Happy Pollinator Awareness Week! Every year in June, our team at Local Hive takes some time to appreciate and spread the good word about our pollinators — both insect and human. Most people are aware that bees are pollinators, but humans play an important role, too. If a human brushes up agains... -
How Honeybees Spend Their Holidays
If you’re celebrating the holidays with your family, you’re kind of like a honeybee. While bees don’t put up decorations or buy each other expensive skincare, like we do during the holidays, they do have their own festivities. As winter approaches, bees celebrate by stocking up on nectar and maki... -
Bee Hugs: A Winter Survival Strategy
Ahh, winter. The time of the year when the mornings are chilly and the mosquitoes are finally gone. But wait... if mosquitoes are gone, does that mean bees are gone too? Don’t worry. The bees are fine. If you’re asking, “Where did the bees go?”, the answer isn’t “far south”, like other animals an... -
How Much Honey Does a Bee Make?
Honeybees are small. Really small. Each one is barely the size of a fingernail. Yet, somehow, all the bees in the U.S. make 125,000,000 pounds of honey every year. That’s more than the Titanic weighed! That means every year, U.S. bees make a literal boatload of honey. But how much does just one b... -
How to Support Pollinators
Why are pollinators so important? What’s the buzz with all those species? And what exactly do they need from us humans? Well, to put it simply, pollinators like bees, birds, butterflies and bats help plants reproduce and keep our environment diverse. Because of them, a lot of different plant spe... -
The Real Reason We Need Pollinators
Most kinds of animal activism involve us humans giving something up. We need to quit eating meat, or quit bulldozing forests, or stop construction to protect an endangered species. But pollinators are the exact opposite. We humans depend on them. In ways big and small, pollinators direct life on ... -
The American Beekeeping Boom
Every year, the team at Local Hive makes sure to celebrate National Honey Month. But this year, we’ve got something bigger in mind. Not just one month, but 400 years of honey. That’s because bees and their honey have been a crucial part of this country since way back in 1622. It was in 1622 that ... -
The Buzz with Pollinator Week
June 20–26th is Pollinator Week, a time for everyone everywhere to celebrate the species who pollinate flowers of all kinds. Why, you might ask, is a honey company so gung-ho about pollinators? Well, we don’t just love bees for honey. They’re also nature’s most important pollinator. There are tho... -
Types of Bees from A to Z
Growing up, most of us didn’t think twice about bees unless we were unfortunate enough to get stung. So you’d be forgiven for thinking, “Bees are those little yellow-and-black-striped guys who sting and make honey.” You’d be forgiven, but you’d be wrong on pretty much all counts: Bees come in a ... -
Exactly how much do we need bees?
In the late 2000s, you couldn’t throw a honey dipper without hitting someone proclaiming, “Save the bees!” This was during the height of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), when beekeepers would lose as many as 60% of their hives every winter. Millions and millions of worker bees would inexplicably c... -
How to Talk to Your Friends About Bees
There are two parts of Pollinator Awareness Week: conservation and conversation. And while we would never stop someone from planting a pollinator garden, supporting local beekeepers, or even becoming a beekeeper, this week is when we all need to be talking the talk about how our tiny striped frie... -
How We’re Saving American Honey
Yes, it sounds bold, but we have big ambitions for our Harvest Reserve honeys. They’re how we can literally save American honeys by preventing them from going to waste or being blended and filtered into typical mass-produced honeys. Not only are we protecting these unique flavors, we’re also brin... -
The Beauty of Beekeeping
To keep the buzz going on our three-year partnership with Butterfly Pavilion, we’re co-sponsoring a series of events and giveaways throughout 2021, starting right now in April with The Beauty of Beekeeping. For those who don’t know, Butterfly Pavilion is the first AZA-accredited nonprofit inverte... -
Mary Reisinger stays busy. Ever since her reign as 2020 American Honey Queen began, she’s had a packed schedule of travelling across the country for speaking engagements, beekeeper meetings, school visits, and – since March – virtual presentations. In July, she met up with us to discuss beekeepin...
Local Bees Could Use Some Help
Right now, both American bees and beekeepers have their work cut out for them, with more threats to their survival than ever before. But there’s good news, too: you can help. Murder Hornets are Just the Tip of the Stinger You may have heard about the coming wave of murder hornets: giant Asian hor...