The Local Buzz Blog

We're proud to introduce a brand-new honey unlike anything else from Local Hive: Organic Hive Honey. We held true to our mission of sourcing the best tasting honeys we can find from beekeepers we trust, but our approach to this particular honey was different.
So different, in fact...

Local Hive's new Honey Hot Sauce will be available to try for free at 88 Whole Foods locations across the country on August 3rd, 2024 from 10am–2pm. We'll also be sampling Honey Hot Sauce a 12 additional Whole Foods locations on Friday, August 9th from 10am–2pm. We'll be offering free samples of...
After 100 years of bottling 100% U.S. honey, we decided it was finally time to stir things up in a big way. See, Local Hive works with hundreds of beekeepers across the country to ensure that there's always a market for their honey. By purchasing locally harvested honeys, blending & bottling ...
The Local Hive Partner program is designed for creatives of all kinds, giving you the opportunity to receive free Local Hive Honey and earn affiliate bonuses. PARTNER PERKS Honey! And Honey Stuff! When you become a Local Partner, we’ll throw down with an exclusive welcome kit, Local Hive gear and...
Over the years, more than any other fan request, we’ve been asked to start making honey flights. After all, there’s no better way to really compare the richness of raw & unfiltered honeys than side by side. Finally, our Local Honey Gift Boxes are here, and you can gift that special someone th...
Our new Orange Blossom varietal honey may seem simple, but producing a honey like this one is much more complex than the label makes it seem. Because, unlike most of our varietals, it’s not just a matter of moving the hives and letting bees go to work. Our Orange Blossom honey is only possible be...
As every part of the country is shaken by the COVID-19 crisis, we’re reminded why we do what we do: to provide for people. The best thing we can do right now is make sure people have the food they need. So, we will provide our raw & unfiltered honey and work to keep it on shelves nationwide. ...
National Honey Month is kind of a big deal for honeyheads like us. It’s an entire month dedicated to the stuff we geek out about 24/7, when even Uncle Sam – or, more specifically, the USDA – helps spread the word about the hundreds of varietals of honey made right here in the USA. All through Sep...
This week marks one of the biggest events of the year for us honey geeks: Pollinator Awareness Week. We’re doing everything we can to get the word out about our itty, bitty buzzing buddies around the world. In case you haven’t heard, not only do pollinators magically make our favorite sweet stuff...
We’re proud to announce our new partnership with Lazy Dog Restaurants. Together, we’re bringing our distinctly local honey flavors to new menu items at Lazy Dog locations around the US during this spring and early summer. Lazy Dog restaurants can be found in California, Nevada, Colorado, Texas, I...
Here at Local Hive, we work hard to produce a wide variety of raw & unfiltered honeys from local beekeepers across the U.S. That means reviewing the quality of each batch of honey received and always maintaining pure, raw & unfiltered honey from hive to home. Creating a single brand that ...
After 38 years, the world’s largest bee has been rediscovered, alive and buzzing, among the Indonesian islands known as the North Moluccas. Where exactly? We can’t tell you, because a single specimen can sell for over $9,000, making the world’s largest bee one of the world’s most valuable and vul...
This holiday season, we’re making things a little extra sweet for our honey-loving fans with weekly opportunities to win bottles of Local Hive honey. Every Friday on the Local Hive Facebook page, we’ll be posting about our Holiday Honey Giveaway. You’ll know it when you see it; just look for one ...
Over the years, our partnership with our good friends at PACE (Pollinator Awareness through Conservation and Education) has proven the perfect pairing of honey producers and honey advocates. And this year, we’re teaming up to sweeten your Black Friday like never before. During Black Friday weeken...
National Honey Month
For most of our local beekeepers, September is significant because it marks the beginning of the end for the regular honey season. Our Beekeepers in the South still have time left on the beekeeping clock, but our ‘keepers in the North are warming up for winter. However, as temperatures fall, we’r...